Kokomo Urban Outreach pantry reopens - Kokomo Tribune

Kokomo Urban Outreach pantry reopens - Kokomo Tribune

The Kokomo Urban Outreach food pantry reopened Wednesday with extended hours after being closed since the tornadoes.

The pantry saw a steady flow of people throughout the day, said Jeff Newton, executive director for KUO.

The pantry was closed after the tornadoes due to damage around the building, including to the roof. KUO was able to repair most of the damage before reopening on Wednesday.

Next door, the KUO’s main office building remains closed, and Associate Director Deeana Ancil said they aren’t sure if they’ll be able to reopen it at all. For now, they’ve set up offices in Trinity Church. Abby’s Place, which served as the KUO community center, is also closed indefinitely.

After the tornadoes, the KUO was able to save most of the food in the pantry thanks to generators and intermittent power. Wednesday, the pantry was stocked with dairy products, canned good, grains, meat, sweets and hygiene products.

At the start of the day Wednesday, some shelves were filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. By mid-afternoon, several crates of watermelons lined one wall of the pantry, though most of the fresh vegetables had been claimed.

When people visit the pantry, they fill out a form with their name, address and their children. They also list what they’re interested in learning and what they could teach other people.

*** said this has led to some new classes, including a crochet class, for the KUO where people can learn new skills and share their knowledge with others.

The KUO offers a variety of classes, focusing on jobs, coupons, raising children and cooking.

Joseph Tate, who visited the pantry Wednesday, said it was important for the community to work together after the tornado, and he appreciated the work of the KUO. Until last Friday, the KUO offered breakfast, lunch and dinner to those affected by the storms, and he appreciated having access to food while the pantry was closed.

“They do wonderful work,” he said. “When we get down, we get back up.”

Fleeta Vaux volunteers regularly at the pantry, and she was more than ready for it to reopen. While it was closed, she double-bagged grocery bags for the pantry; she washed and rewashed her sheets; she did dishes; and she waited anxiously for the pantry to reopen.

“It’s satisfying to know they’re taken care of,” she said of the visitors to the pantry.

The pantry returns to normal operating hours today. The pantry will be open Mondays from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.; Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.; and Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ID is required for each family member. It is located near Home and Hoffer streets. 

For updated information from the KUO, visit their Facebook page at http://ift.tt/2cnUZ4L.

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