Food Pantry Amps Up Security After String of Burglaries - KRGV

Food Pantry Amps Up Security After String of Burglaries - KRGV

SAN BENITO - After spending hundreds of dollars on repairs and security, a food pantry in San Benito said they are no longer targeted by thieves.

The San Benito Food Pantry was hit several times. The sporting goods store next door was also robbed. However, their cameras were able to get the suspects on camera breaking into the place and causing hundreds of dollars in damages.

President of the San Benito Food Pantry, Forest Walker, said they installed new doors and more security cameras to keep the place safe. She said the investment was worth it.

“I think we’ve deterred our break-in people. We’re just very blessed, very blessed everything is going wonderful,” she said.

Walker said she never expected what would happen after word of the break-in got out.

“Our donations are coming in. As you can tell by our shelves, we are not overloaded… But we’re so blessed that we get so much and we pass it along to our clients,” she said.

Walker said the community has offered full support to the pantry following the break-ins. She said it also has an impact of those who receive the food.

“They are just so happy that their bags are so full,” she said.

Walker said people don’t need to steal from them. Instead, she said they should stop by and get food for free.

So far, San Benito police has made few arrests in the string of burglaries.