CURWENSVILLE — Central PA Community Action, Inc. is seeking a new base for the Curwensville Food Pantry.
Currently, the Curwensville Food Pantry is located in one of the buildings that is part of the former Wilkinson Subaru located along State Street. The pantry is open on the third Wednesday of each month. It currently provides food each month to about 525 individuals and families
CPCA Family Services Program Manager Deanna Graham said a new space is needed because the current location may soon be sold — requiring CPCA to vacate by the end of this month.
Graham said CPCA is seeking a space with area for storage that measures approximately 1,500-1,800 square feet to allow it to store its refrigerators, freezers and food stock. Electricity is a must to keep food cold or frozen, she said. Heat would be appreciated but is not necessary, she explained.
Graham said they would also like to have a small area available away from the area where the food pantry is located to allow them to meet with clients and have a space to complete paperwork.
The site would also need outdoor space that could accommodate the loading and unloading of delivery trucks that bring goods to the food pantry as the site serves as a distribution center at least one day a month.
Graham said the current location of the food pantry has been made available to CPCA at no cost and that allows its only costs to be liability insurance and the purchase of food whenever state stipends are exhausted.
“Due to being a non-profit and having minimal state funding, CPCA is looking for space that is rent free. If rent is required we are requesting the agency be contacted to see what the budget would allow.”
Graham said if a location in Curwensville Borough cannot be found, CPCA has received an offer for space in Clearfield.
Anyone who has available space, meeting the above criteria, that could be used for the Curwensville Food Pantry, should contact Graham at 765-1551, extension No. 1107; or by email at DGraham@CPCAA.Net.
Graham expressed her appreciation to the owners of the current site “CPCA is grateful to the Wilkinson family for allowing the Curwensville Food Pantry to operate out of its current location, rent-free, for the past 10 years,” she said.