York County Shelter pantry readies for Thanksgiving food boxes - Press Herald

York County Shelter pantry readies for Thanksgiving food boxes - Press Herald

Volunteers from Southern Maine Health Care helped pack Thanksgiving meals at York County Shelter Programs food pantry in Alfred in 2018. The program, which serves the hungry in York County, released information on how people can help and the dates when those who need help providing the Thanksgiving meal can drop by and pick up a food box. Photo by Tammy Wells

Every year York County Shelter Programs’ Food Pantry tries to make sure those in need from all over York County have a Thanksgiving dinner box.

In all, with cash contributions and donations of non-perishable food items, the pantry and its volunteers make up 1,000 to 1,200 Thanksgiving holiday food boxes. As well as providing boxes to individual families, the pantry also provides holiday dinner boxes to several community agencies that have clients in need, organizers say.

Those wishing to donate food, like canned vegetables, gravy mixes, boxed stuffing, and the like, or make a monetary donation, may contact York County Shelter Programs’ Food Pantry Coordinator Mike Ouellette at 207-324-1137, ext. 103 or [email protected]

Food boxes will be available for pick-up from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 25, 26 and 27 at the pantry, at 5 Swetts Bridge Road in Alfred.

Boxes include a turkey or a gift card for purchase of a turkey, plus all “the fixings” for a holiday dinner.

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