Planners deny Food Pantry proposal - Rappahannock News

Planners deny Food Pantry proposal - Rappahannock News

Bank Road building location considered “too problematic”

“Someone has to step up and donate a piece of land we can use.”

The Rappahannock County Planning Commission last night voted to turn down a request that would allow the Food Pantry to move forward on plans to use a lot near the elementary school for a new, centrally located building.

Voting in favor of denial were Mary Katherine Ishee, the new Piedmont planner; Hampton planner Al Henry; Chair Gary Light; and Christine Smith, the supervisor representative on the Planning Commission. Jackson district planner Rick Kohler abstained. Wakefield planner Holly Meade was absent.

At issue was storm water management. In a 2002 a large property on Route 211/522 where the Atlantic Union Bank now stands was rezoned from agricultural to general commercial use. At the time, a proffer created a 100-foot resource protection area along the two drainage channels running north-south on the subject property. The rezoning also created several commercial building lots for future development.

The current proposal from Pleasant View of Rappahannock, the owner of the property the Food Pantry desires, would reduce the boundaries for the resource conservation area. Otherwise, the Food Pantry’s projected building would intrude into that area.

Many county residents spoke against the proposal, expressing concern for flooding and other water management problems if the proffer amendment goes through.   

All the planners spoke in support of the Food Pantry. Smith called the organization’s work “commendable.” Ishee described it as “one of the finest assets in the county.” After the vote Light said, “We’re not writing off every eventuality for the Food Pantry,” but he and others found the current plan problematic.

“I’m disappointed [by the vote],” said Food Pantry Manager Mimi Forbes. Someone has to step up and donate a piece of land we can use. We need a building.”

The lease on the existing Food Pantry location in Sperryville expires in August, but Forbes said the lease has been extended until August 2020.