Mammoth Spring Food Pantry closes - KY3

Mammoth Spring Food Pantry closes - KY3

MAMMOTH SPRING, Ark. -- The only food pantry in the small town of Mammoth Spring, Arkansas is no longer open and able to give out food to those in need.

On Monday, the Mammoth Spring Food Pantry distributed food for the last time for the foreseeable future.

Typically, the pantry would serve up to 70 families per month with food and other necessities on the third Monday of each month.

The pantry sits on city land, and operates inside a trailer owned by the city located behind the fire department.

The city does not provide any funding for the pantry but volunteer Jennifer Smith says the Mayor, Charles Vaughan, says it's illegal for the pantry to run out of a city building, on city property.

With little funds, the pantry can't afford to pay rent, utilities and insurance for a building space.

"The mayor has come to us and said it's illegal to be here, Jennifer Smith told KY3. We feel there is nothing illegal that we have done. We have asked for proof from the mayor and all he wants to do is tell me I'm not from Mammoth Springs, and I'm not. He wants to basically say he doesn't have to tell me and give me proof which we have asked for multiple times."

Mayor Vaughan did not wish to go on camera and said quote, "We are through with it as far as the city is concerned."

Smith says multiple churches and businesses have reached out but the pantry cannot afford rent and bills and still must meet USDA guidelines by having an address and certain criteria such as freezers.