In support of the food pantry (open weekly on Tuesday) and the Open Door Community Kitchen (serving meals Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays), the United Church of Penacook Christmas Craft Fair will be held Nov. 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafters will be selling baked goods, Christmas decorations and gifts, knit and crochet items, quilts, jewelry, handbags and fashion accessories, metalwork and much more. Lunch will be served between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Visit for more information about the crafters and for directions to the church at Canal Street and Community Drive in Penacook.
Durham4-H participant scholarshipsEvery year of active participation in New Hampshire 4-H will soon translate to scholarship dollars for Granite Staters admitted to the University of New Hampshire beginning the fall of 2019. First-year students will receive $500 for each year of participation in 4-H, up to 10 years of participation or $5,000. The scholarship is available every year a student is enrolled at the Durham or Manchester campus. Youth are considered to have completed a year of active 4-H participation when he or she has enrolled in New Hampshire 4-H within a program year (Sep. 1-Aug. 31), and participated as a 4-H member in New Hampshire during the same program year. Youth who meet the requirements will automatically be awarded the scholarship when they enroll at UNH.
LaconiaStoryteller presentationThe New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family invites area residents and visitors to hear storyteller Jo Radner present “Yankee Ingenuity: Stories of Headstrong and Resourceful People,” on Friday at 7 p.m. at The Margate on Winnipesaukee, 76 Lake St., Laconia, in the Mariah Room of the Lakefront Building. Radner will share a selection of historical tales, humorous and thought provoking, about New Englanders who have used their wits in extraordinary ways to solve problems and create inventions. The performance will include discussion with the audience, and may introduce a brief folktale or a poem about inventiveness and problem-solving. This event is free and open to the public; light refreshments served. Contact 778-8151.
ManchesterDerryfield School open houseThe Derryfield School announces the Fall Open House! Students in grades six to 12 are invited to join us for an admission open house on Nov. 4, 1 to 3 p.m. Ask us about $2 million awarded annually in financial aid and merit scholarships, our 21st century learning campaign and campus construction, our rigorous, college-preparatory academics and competitive sports teams across all divisions. Register at