MUST Ministries opens 35th Neighborhood Pantry -

MUST Ministries opens 35th Neighborhood Pantry -

In an effort to reach more at-risk children and their families, Marietta-based MUST Ministries has spent the past four years taking their food pantry program to more schools.

This week MUST opened its’ 35th pantry at Hollydale Elementary School and is now providing food and toiletries to almost 4,000 people.

Crowding into the new pantry at Hollydale were school officials, the MUST team, Miss Georgia Victoria Hill, United Way representatives State of Hope representatives and four representatives of the Hollydale student body. The grand opening participants heard about the dire need for food — 475,000 people in MUST’s service area are food insecure — and how food stamps don’t provide any assistance with detergent, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soap, diapers and other important necessities.

“We have doubled the number of pantries since we took over the program from Alive Ministries in 2015,” said Rev. Dr. Ike Reighard, president and CEO of MUST, as he stood in the new location in west Cobb. “It’s been an amazing journey as we’ve watched school after school come to us for food and other essentials. We are now serving Cherokee, Cobb, Marietta and KSU.”

“We work very closely with school social workers, counselors and staff to identify children and families in crisis,” Reighard said. “Once a month, including the summer, families can come to the pantry and choose items their families need and enjoy.”

MUST also announced that new grant money will allow fresh produce to be purchased for pantries beginning in November.

“Our clients have been requesting produce and now we can purchase more healthy items for these families in need,” Reighard said. “This step is important in enhancing the nutritional

value of what we offer, and our families will be so happy to receive fresh fruits and vegetables.”

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