FAITH Food Pantry will be open tomorrow — Saturday, July 27 — from 10 am until noon.
This special session comes after the nonecumenical food pantry was unable to open for two weeks while paving work had been ongoing at St Rose of Lima Church's parking lot.
The church has been undergoing extensive renovations for just over a year. Ground was broken July 13, 2018, for a major renovation and expansion project at 46 Church Hill Road. Over the past 12 months, the parish has expanded its vestibule, renovated its sanctuary, created a Garden of Peace, and improved its parking lot.
FAITH’s building is situated in the eastern area of the church’s parking lot. It has been inaccessible for two weeks.
The pantry expects to return to regular operating hours on Tuesday, July 30, when it will be open from 9:30 to 11:30 am.
The food pantry is open to all Newtown residents who need a hand putting food on their table. It also offers pet food and limited supplies and health and beauty offerings. Residents can visit once a month. Volunteers only ask for proof of residency (driver’s license and a piece of mail received at your current address); proof of need is not required.
FAITH Food Pantry is regularly open to receive donations and share its inventory each Tuesday morning between 9:30 and 11:30 am and Thursday evenings between 6 and 7:30 pm. Visit newtownfoodpantry.org for additional information.