Second Harvest Foodbank’s mobile food pantry will be at 212 Main St. in Gays Mills, Wednesday, June 26. Grilling season is upon us and you may find some meat or fresh vegetables to cook up. You can bet there will be snacks, canned goods, bread products, as well as plenty of produce. The registration table often has new recipes to try, using many of the items. Whatever the offerings, you’ll leave with about 60-70 pounds of food.
Gather between 1 and 1:15 p.m., and then at 1:30 p.m., Cindy will begin the registration, which goes smoothly. There are no income guidelines, but you will be asked the number of people in the household, including children, adults (18-59) and seniors (60-plus). Per Second Harvest Foodbank’s regulations, smoking in line outside is strictly prohibited.
This month, we welcome Kristin Robert and Dawn Guimond of United Health Care, who will provide health insurance outreach, and will bring free dental and laundry kits.
Please open your heart and share your experience with Second Harvest’s generosity. No names are needed, but it’s good for us to let them know the food is helpful in putting food on the table, so please consider talking with Lorraine or JoAnn and telling us your story. First-time patrons will be asked how they learned about the mobile food pantry.
Bring sturdy bags, boxes, or baskets to hold the food received, since a limited number of boxes are available on site. Volunteers will assist by moving food to vehicles as needed.
In May, 160 households from 18 communities were served. Those families represented 331 people, 93 of them seniors and 106 children.
Call Cindy Kohles at 608-872-2184 or JoAnn Gonos at 608-872-2583 if you have questions.