We are pleased to announce that the Student Life & Involvement Center at Centralia College has opened a food pantry for all currently enrolled Centralia College students. Now in its second year, the pantry provides students another avenue to secure food and toiletries for themselves or their families. So far, the pantry has been stocked through donations from students, faculty, and staff, but we need help. During winter quarter, we served an average of 47 students who accessed our food pantry for about 66 times. We are seeking monetary, non-perishable food, or toiletry donations from the community to continue providing this service for our students. Monetary contributions may be made to the fund at Centralia College, care of Andrea Schierman.
We would greatly appreciate the community’s support of the campus food pantry. Donations can be dropped off at Centralia College in the TransAlta Commons Building room 139 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Learn more at www.centralia.edu/students/programs/pantry.html.
Price Peterson and Skyheart D. Yantis