A dedication ceremony will take place Wednesday in Wildwood for the Lazarus House Emergency Food Pantry van, according to the organization.
Guests and speakers will gather Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. outside the food pantry, located at Burk and Pacific Avenues, to discuss the purchase of the new van.
Special guests include Pastor Ginnie Keiser of North Wildwood United Methodist Church and John Lynch from The Lunch with Lynch Foundation, both of the organizations whose donations helped with the purchase of the van.
Lazarus House is the emergency food pantry in Wildwood and a division of Lazarus House Ministries Inc.
The newly purchased van will help the pantry expand its services in the community with deliveries to homebound people in need, as well as pick up supplies on the three days of operation from companies such ACME Markets in North Wildwood and three Wawa stores in the Wildwoods.
The food pantry is open to Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. In 2017, the organization provided food and personal care items for more than 17,000 guests.